Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Quark Logo Ripoff

This has to be a designers worst nightmare. Quark, known for being hip on design and whatnot, unveiled their new logo earlier this month. Unfortunately, it bears a striking resemblance to the logo for the Scottish Arts Council.

Not only that, but at a discussion at Veer, a member points out how the logo is similar to an array of logos, most notably, this one and Veer's wallpaper.

All I know is that I'm glad I use Adobe products. Long live InDesign!


  1. ditto. love indesign.

    Why in the hell is quark worried about a new logo now, when their real problem is much bigger? R.I.P.

  2. Exactly. I refused to get Quark because I learned how to do everything in InDesign. This might be their deathknell.

  3. That's what you get for making such simple plain jane logos like that... I mean it is a water drop with a circle in it... it took the designer like what, 45 seconds to come up with... It's dumb no matter who is using it.

  4. That's what you get for making such simple plain jane logos like that... I mean it is a water drop with a circle in it... it took the designer like what, 45 seconds to come up with... It's dumb no matter who is using it.
