Friday, August 31, 2007
The 31 Days Of Halloween
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Jawbone #172: Fill The Room With Filipinos

Hey gang! Show 172 is done and ready for your listening pleasure. On this episode, Nora and I talk more than we need to about filipinos, a weird weekend with my parents, the return of the turkey and much more. Oh yes. There is much more more. Thanks for listening, thanks to everyone in the chatroom and everyone for subscribing!
Music: Your Town | Paul and Storm
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
And Now, A Short Break From Zombies...
When I appeared on Boing Boing earlier this summer, I got a lot of attention and, along with that, a lot of requests. One of the requests was from a Catholic priest named Fr. Vic. Extraordinarily, Fr. Vic not only requested a zombie, but also wanted to know if I was open to other commissions. Apparently, Fr. Vic's parish collects original art of St. Matthew. So, this year, I was one of the lucky artists to paint this renound Saint.
What I found in my research is that there is not much known about St. Matthew. He was a tax collector, an apostle and one of the gospel writers. But other than that, he remains a bit of a mystery for church historians. I decided to use as the focal point the notion of someone dropping wordly possessions for a higher calling. You know, put your faith in God and all will work out.
As I told Fr. Vic, I'm no homilist, but if the painting has a meaning, it's that. Ayway, I thought I'd share the image with you all. Like I said, I'm humbled to even have an opportunity like this. And I had a lot of fun painting it. There should be a video of this process up in a few days. I'll post the link when it's done.
UPDATE: It's done.
Where Are Those Damn Power Pellets?
The inevitable ending could have been avoided if only NYC allowed more power pellets per city block. Damn you Mayor Bloomberg!
Celebrity Zombies

Dave also sends us this: Hollywood Zombies.
The Summer of the Undead is Ending!
So if you haven't ordered one yet, get over there and do so!
Monday, August 27, 2007
17 Years Ago Today...

Filling The Tubes With More Of Me
Ben Rollman of the 100 Artists project, of which I am a contributor, was kind enough to share some of his blogging real estate to devote time to an interview with me. If you can't get enough of me here, you can go to his site and get yet another fill of me talking about art, influences and other schtuff. Thanks Ben!
Caption This 8-27-07

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
What Bit Nora
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Because I Said So

Apparently, there's a woman in Illinois who is a mother of 6 (sound familiar?) and is running Ebay auctions of the Pokeman cards that her kids sneaked into her shopping cart when she wasn't looking. The auction is hilarious enough, but her blog is even better. This woman is a fantastically funny writer. I'm thinking about getting her on the show.
Anyway, check out her auctions and her blog. Good stuff!
Monster By Mail Phase 5 Announced!
The new theme is slated to start on 9/1. I also let people in the chatroom more details about the Halloween promotion, but I'll probably explain more about that in a few days.
Check out the photos here!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Jawbone #171: Garbles
Quick Links!
Every single Calvin and Hobbes ever run, organized by date and year. (Thanks Mark!)
Weird Game! (Thanks Derek!)
"I Have a Bad Case of Diarrhea!" (Thanks Randy!)
Every single Calvin and Hobbes ever run, organized by date and year. (Thanks Mark!)
Weird Game! (Thanks Derek!)
"I Have a Bad Case of Diarrhea!" (Thanks Randy!)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Program Note
Just a heads up: unless something else changes, the show will be recorded on Wed. night instead of Thursday. We should be on Ustream, so plan accordingly. Thanks!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Caption This: 8-20-07
Vote Glurn

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Monster By Mail Halloween Promotion: More Details Revealed
I Think We'll Need To Test This Out

Friday, August 17, 2007
Some Musical Recommendations
Earlier this week, I was asked by a rep of a blues musician named Sean Carney (a fellow Ohioan, BTW) to create a Monster By Mail-style video for his song "Bad Side Baby". I really enjoy Sean Carney's style of blues and I recommend picking up any of his albums.
Incidentally, this makes the third music video I've done including Jonathan Coulton's "Octopus" that was created as Coulton recorded the song from his apartment earlier this summer, and one for the band Zamarro. Maybe this is a new video trend? Eh, maybe not.
BTW, I got a copy of Paul and Storm's new album "Gumbo Pants" tonight. It seriously their best effort yet. I highly recommend a download today. Also, we'll be playing tracks from the album on our upcoming podcasts.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Jawbone #170: Fog Is Different!
iTunes Podcast Spotlight (Now With More Len Art!)
I got this in my e-mail today. iTunes is showcasing parent friendly podcasts and two of the shows I have done art for are featured! Congrats to Manic Mommies and Mighty Mommies, as well as thePediacast. Good job guys! Back pats all around.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
R.I.P. 9-14-07

I just wanted everyone to know that I'm getting everything together for the Halloween promotion at Monster By Mail. I think it will start a few weeks before October just to make sure everyone can get their art before October 31. Yes, it will still involve original art, that much I'll say. But does anyone want to take a stab at what they think the promotion will be?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Move Over Scott Johnson!

"Zuda Comics will be all-new, original comics made specifically for the web. Zuda Comics will accept submissions from the Zuda community - that means YOU. You make the web comics and send them to us for competition.We'll put up a batch of the comics submitted each month. Then you and the Zuda community will vote, comment, and rate the comics. The one you like the best will get a one-year contract."The site is still in progress, but you can sign up for updates. Anyone up for the challenge?
Monday, August 13, 2007
Monster #700

I just got my 700th order for Monster By Mail just a few minutes ago. I'm pretty stoked about it, so I'll probably draw it live tomorrow afternoon. Keep watching for it!
Also, as it mentions at the site, I am only doing 45 more zombies for the "Summer of the Undead", or until the new theme kicks in around September 1, whichever comes first. So if you've been on the fence, or know someone who is, be sure you prod them along and get their order in!
UPDATE: Monster 700 has been drawn! You can see Vampirella here. And also see the live real-time video of me drawing this monster here. My camera went all weird on me midway through, but overall, you can see it pretty well. Enjoy!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Testing New Technology
I just installed a tool on this site called Snap Shots that enhances links with visual previews of the destination site, interactive excerpts of Wikipedia articles, MySpace profiles, IMDb profiles and Amazon products, display inline videos, RSS, MP3s, photos, stock charts and more.
Sometimes Snap Shots bring you the information you need, without your having to leave the site, while other times it lets you "look ahead," before deciding if you want to follow a link or not.
Should you decide this is not for you, just click the Options icon in the upper right corner of the Snap Shot and opt-out. And if you hate it, I can remove it completely. Just let me know.
Sometimes Snap Shots bring you the information you need, without your having to leave the site, while other times it lets you "look ahead," before deciding if you want to follow a link or not.
Should you decide this is not for you, just click the Options icon in the upper right corner of the Snap Shot and opt-out. And if you hate it, I can remove it completely. Just let me know.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Red Ring O' Death

Apparently, I haven't had it as bad as some customers have had it. I only had three of the four rings, which indicates a hardware failure. And I can get on and play every so often. But the unit will freeze and die in the middle of a game. Others have just had their unit up and die on them. My word to you is that if you have purchased an XBOX in the first year, it's not a question of IF your machine will die, but WHEN your machine will die. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Well, at least there's still the Wii. :)
MBM in the St. Petersburg Times
Hey hey! Monster By Mail was mentioned in the St. Petersburg Times today as a cool place to get custom art for twenty bucks or less. Check it out here!
Monster By Mail Group Photo Page
Hey there! Have you purchased a Monster By Mail? Do you have a photo of the Monster In the Wild? Well, good news! You can add your photo to the group photo page on Flickr. I've uploaded a few of the ones that people have sent me, but if you have ones I don't know about, feel free to join the group and show 'em off.
All you need is a Flickr account to join. Get to the group page here.
All you need is a Flickr account to join. Get to the group page here.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Jawbone #169: Cheesy Puddles
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
The Baby - In 3D!

Zombies Make A TV Cameo

"I visit the show once a month a do 2 segments and this time I did so with your drawing sandwiched between my MacBook Pro lid and the clear plastic shell in which I have it cocooned.Indeed, Rick. I have a feeling that if Leo turned around in the photo, you'd see his mouth watering, gazing at the zombie and thinking of the delicious brains he could be eating after the show.
Unfortunately, there was never any time in my segments for me to go off-topic and acknowledge the zombie or how I came to acquire him. But, heck, and appearance on TV is still an appearance on TV."
That's what I think he'd be doing anyway. Thanks for the wonderful photo Rick! And if anyone else has any photos of their monsters in the wild, send em in!
Giant Lego Man Washes Ashore

"A giant, smiling Lego man was fished out of the sea in the Dutch resort of Zandvoort on Tuesday.Check out the link.
Workers at a drinks stall rescued the 2.5-metre (8-foot) tall model with a yellow head and blue torso".
Monday, August 06, 2007
Chocolate Rain 8BIt Edition

Caption This: 8-6-07
Zombie Contest Now Underway!

Shamble on over there and give your best brain-eating answer!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Len TV: ArtsFest!
On this episode of Len TV, we talk a jaunt to the Lakewood Arts Festival and see cool pewter figurines, etchings Ric Astley and the Verizon Wireless Elephant. Enjoy the first Saturday in August!
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Friday, August 03, 2007
Jawbone Radio Social Network -Up and Running!
Thanks to Matt (AKA JadedDeath), Jawbone Radio now has a new social network! Come and interact with other Jawbone fans and "hook up" as the kids say these days. I'm not entirely sure what this social network will become, but I guess that would be up to those who join. To check it out, click here. Thanks again, Matt!
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Jawbone #168: Distractions Amok!

Dear Dawn | Geordie Kitt (Thanks to Brad from NJ)
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