Wednesday, August 30, 2006
My Zazzle Shop -- Now Selling Coulton Stuff!
Through a generous arrangement with Mr. Coulton, I have now started selling some of the Visual Thing A Week artwork at my Zazzle store. I will be adding more over time, but for now, there are some cool prints, t-shirts and greeting cards of the songs Bozo's Lament, I Crush Everything, I'm A Mason Now and -- my personal favorite -- Christmas cards from Chrion Beta Prime. You can visit my Zazzle Shop here.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Jawbone #126: Housekeeping! Housekeeping!
Me and The Bean
Hometown Tales
The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd
My Zazzle Shop - Buy prints and t-shirts!
Zombie Army
Robot Army
The Instance
Jonathan Coulton | Big Bad World One
RSS feed.
Download now.
PS3 To Save World
Saturday, August 26, 2006
VTAW: I'm Your Moon
VTAW: I'm Your Moon
Originally uploaded by jawboneradio.
Coming pretty late in the day, here is the Visual Thing A Week for Jonanthan Coulton's song, I'm Your Moon. Jonathan's description of the song makes note that Pluto's moon Charon, is actually about half the size of Pluto, and that they revolve around each other. For artistic purposes, I decided to make Charon more of a motherly figure.
In other new, I just bought a new Mac Pro. Woo-hoo!
Friday, August 25, 2006
259 Longtime Listener, First-Time Caller
259 Longtime Listener, First-Time Caller
Originally uploaded by halcyonsnow.
Mike AKA Halcyconsnow, one of the 700 hobo artists has immortalized me as a hobo. Words escape me. Thank you, Mike. Thank you all to hell.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Scott Johnson's Apartment
Jawbone Prints Now Available!
Over the course of the past year, a lot of people have expressed interest in buying some of my artwork to brighten up their workspace or to simply hang up in their home. Well, you'll be happy to know that a selection of my art is now available to purchase through Zazzle. If there is any image that you are particularly interested in that I haven't linked up, please let me know and I can work on getting it into the store. You can see pretty much everything I've drawn at my Flickr set. I believe I will make some JoCo images available as well. But I would probably have to clear that with JoCo.
Anyway, start buying....NOW!
UPDATE: With his permission, I started adding some Jonathan Coulton merch to the store. If there is any design that you folks are interested in on a T-shirt or as a print, let me know.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Video Games With Household Objects
Monday, August 21, 2006
The Zombie Code of Ethics
Drew this tonight for the Zombie Army group. Guess what? You can buy it as a t-shirt!
Come know you want one...
More Of My Stuff - In Print!
For those intensely interested, you can read the rest of the article here: Page One and of course, Page 2.
Caption This 8-21-06
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Jawbone #125: In Search Of...Apelad
Hobo Controversy
Conan Vs. Bear
I Love Cartoons
The Alphabet of Monsters - Now in T-shirt Form!
Jonathan Coulton | Under The Pines
RSS feed.
Download now.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
VTAW: You Ruined Everything
VTAW: You Ruined Everything
Originally uploaded by jawboneradio.
This is for the song "You Ruined Everything" by JoCo. I think this is more of a personal image for me. I equated having children to leaving behind some of the other stuff I had enjoyed pre-kid. It's the same transformation that any parent has to go through. As my kids get older, I can start to enjoy some of the things I enjoyed as a kid and they can appreciate it more. Except for the Star Wars figures. Those are totally off limits.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
John Hodgman PSA
Got this today from Mr. Hodgman. Check it out for a big announcement regarding hobo matters.
Hello World!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Zombie Punctuation Added!
Zombie Letters from
I'm supposed to be on vacation, but what am I doing? Writing stuff with the Zombie Alphabet. Also, cool artwork is being uploaded to the Zombie Army. Here is latest fave from Zombie Hunter, Colin:
Join the fun today!
Hodgman and Coulton in Taxachusetts this weekend!
JONATHAN COULTON WILL PLAY GUITAR NEXT TO A LOUD RIVERFor information, please visit Coulton or Lady Killigrew.
The Montague Bookmill/Lady Killigrew.
Sat., Aug. 19, 8 PM
Local author and impresario John Hodgman will soon leave the Pioneer Valley area after a summer of residency and internet-theft at the Lady Killigrew Cafe and the Montague Bookmill of Montague, MA.
But before he goes, he wishes to introduce the western counties to the song stylings of JONATHAN COULTON in a night of SONGS ABOUT ZOMBIES, MATH, AND FEELINGS.
JONATHAN COULTON, in addition to his masthead position of "Contributing Troubadour" at Popular Science magazine (absolutely true), is featured prominently on the audio edition of Hodgman's bestselling book THE AREAS OF MY EXPERTISE, and his many many songs (A NEW ONE EVERY WEEK!), including "Mandlebrot Set," "Re: Your Brains," and "Baby Got Back", have been heard on PODCASTS THROUGHOUT THE LAND.
Hodgman will introduce Coulton, and following the show, he will guest-bar tend at the Lady Killigrew while Coutlton will sit at the bar and guest-drink. EVEN IF YOU LOATHE BEAUTIFUL MUSIC, COME WATCH THIS STRANGE BIT OF THEATER DEVOLVE TO ITS INEVITABLE, TRAGIC CONCLUSION!
Both will sign books and CDs and discuss TOPICS OF INTEREST.
Three copies each of Hodgman's as-yet-unreleased PAPERBACK and AUDIO EDITION of his book will be given FREE to the first six people to purchase Coulton materials.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Jawbone #124: Undead Toes Get Fontified
Zombie Army Flickr Group
Spelling With Zombies
Dead Rising
Whole Lot of Nonsense
Slice of Sci-Fi
Jonathan Coulton | Drinking WIth You
RSS feed.
Download now.
Link Dump: Round Up Of Random Weird Stuff Issue 10
Eep. That didn't sound right at all. in any event, let the dumping begin!
Those of you who were reading the blog over the weekend saw that I have started a new Flickr illustration group called "Zombie Army". This, along with the challenge put forth by fellow 700 Hobo member Apelad's 1 Hour Alphabet Challenge, I created a whole zombie alphabet set.
Not only that, but fellow hobomeister and Jawbone fan, Dan, created a rudimentary alphabet toy Spelling With Zombies. Obviously, it's still in it's development stages, but come on! This is all in a night's work, people!
UPDATE: Not even 24 hours old, Spelling with Zombies just got boinged!
Continuing the Zombie links; Dan sends me this Lordi video complete with zombie cheerleaders.
From Neil: Ricky Gervais AKA David Brent Video for Microsoft.
From Wayne in the Ukraine: Angry British Guy yells at telemarketer. Be aware, NSFW or home for that matter.
Finally, from Neil...I know a ton of you have been wondering what happened to 80's pop icon Billy Squier? Well, some people on the tubes are claiming it was this video that basically a killed his career Perhaps Billy was trying to tell us something about his persuasion? We'll let you decide.
And now is the time to say goodbye. Goodbye until the next link dump.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
My New Project: Zombies
Catherine The Zombie Gal
Originally uploaded by jawboneradio.
Maybe it's too much Dead Rising on the XBOX, or it's just my Monster Art pushed to a new level. But I just started a new Flickr group called "Zombie Army". In much the same way as the 700 Hoboes Project, I am encouraging artists of all skill levels to contribute images of zombies to the ever-growing Zombie Army. Pictured here is Catherine, The Zombie Gal, a homage to the female undead in WoW. Keep on the lookout for more zombies as I draw them. And please, feel free to contribute to the project.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Re: Your Brains
Re: Your Brains
Originally uploaded by jawboneradio.
This song was the reason I started doing the VTAW, and I never got a chance to draw it. So here it is. The song Re: Your Brains by Jonathan Coulton done for the upcoming karaoke CD. if you check my Flickr set, you will also see a badge I did of Bob the Zombie for a possible T-shirt design.
Friday, August 11, 2006
VTAW: Mr. Fancy Pants
VTAW: Mr. Fancy Pants
Originally uploaded by jawboneradio.
His pants are fancy. And the people love him. What can I say?
Projectile Vomit
Is this for real? I think it's fake. Anywho, it's kind of funny. And please, be warned before you click the link. Thanks to Scott for the link.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Jawbone: As Fun As Madlibs?
"Remember the feeling when you were in elementary school and you realized that today was the day the Scholastic books came in? The heightened anticipation of imminent MadLibs!Thank you to the blogger who loves our show enough to compare us to MadLibs. We love them too!
That’s the way I feel every time iTunes starts to download a new Jawbone Radio. Jawbone is that rare breed of “Couplecast” which is actually about a couple, not pandering to the lowest common demoninator."
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
A Little WoW Update
I am such a geek. I know.
How Products Were Named
Monday, August 07, 2006
The Monster Engine Rolls Into The World of MMOG's
"The Monster Engine Massive Multi-player Online Game (MMOG) is a place where kids rule and straight lines aren't welcome. Why? Because every last 3D piece of this world is built from actual kid's drawings."Totally rockin! Talking to Dave about this, the game is in very early developmental stages, but promises to be very cool. You can see the whole preview right here. If you scroll down about midway, you can see some of the preliminary artwork that my oldest boys helped create for the game. How cool is that? If I were 9 or 11 and I was helping develop a video game, I think my head would have exploded. So, we thank Dave for affording our kids the opportunity to contribute to such a unique project. Be sure to listen to Jawbone and watch the blog for updates as it moves forward.
ON EDIT: Could this be the world's first MMMOG (Massive Multiplayer Monsteriffic Online Game)? I call that term, if it is. :)
Also, for those of your who are interested, Dave has updated the art section of his site and has added the images of Max's and Sisi's monsters. A few weeks back we shared the preliminary images that were given to Dave by our kids to work on. And now, without further ado, you can finally see Max's entry "The Good Man" here and Siena's entry "Ninja School" here.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Jawbone #123: Bees In A Basket of Fried Chicken
RUNNING TIME: 1 hour 2 minutes
Please visit our sponsor ChillPak! Visit, type in the coupon code "JAWBONE" and recieve 15% off your purchase!
Snakes on A Plane Personalized Message from Samuel L. Jackson. Thanks to Wayne in the Ukraine for the heads up.
Who Wants to Be A Superhero?
V for Vendetta
Underworld | Underworld: Evolution
Portable Media Expo
The Town Fryer
Help us find the best fried chicken in the country! Send us suggestions here.
Jonathan Coulton | Creepy Doll
RSS feed.
Download now.