On the heels of the announcement of
my new art project, I also found some time to sneak in some new art for both Coulton AND Paul and Storm.
Mike "Spiff" Booth, of WOW Machinima video fame, requested art for his iPod for the
Song Fu Challenge songs "
Always the Moon" and
"Cruel, Cruel Moon". I hadn't planned on creating new art for the songs, mostly because I was jammed to the gills with other work. But I found some time to answer Spiff's request and you are all better for it. Here are the new images for the songs. Feel free to put these on your iPod as well.
ON EDIT: To round it all out, I added one last image...an illustration of the
Rifftones song "Moon Shines".
ON EDIT 2: The Moon Shines image was blogged by Bill Corbett at the Riffttrax blog today.
Check it out, I was compared (sort of) to John Kricfalusi! Also, WTBU video was linked as well!